Innovations Summit Looks to Future

Stakeholders from all parts of the electric industry in Colorado were among the approximately 375 people attending the CREA Energy Innovations Summit October 28 in downtown Denver.

A lively discussion of what is needed for Colorado’s electric industry, particularly the electric co-ops, to transition to more renewables opened the event. Former Gov. Bill Ritter, now with the Center for the New Energy Economy, and Duane Highley, new CEO of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, talked about the innovations on the horizon that both of their organizations are pursuing.

The day-long conference also included controversial luncheon speaker Michael Shellenberger, a pro-nuclear energy environmentalist named by Time magazine as a “hero of the environment.”

Other topics discussed in breakouts during the day included breakout sessions on community choice aggregation, micro grids, new technologies and beneficial electrification. There was also an update on energy storage before the day wrapped up with an update of regional electricity markets for Colorado.

Venders also shared their products and services and helped cover the conference’s costs.

To hear the opening discussion and several other sessions, click here. To review slides presented during panel discussions, click here.