Presenter Frequently-Asked Questions

Below you will find links for policies, templates, and other useful information. We will continue to post useful information here between now and the announcement of the agenda, so check back for updates.

What do I do if I am chosen as a presenter?

  • Watch for an invitation to your session orientation and coordination calls
  • Register for the conference – all presenters must register
  • Book a hotel room, details on the registration site
  • Download and review the Presenter Policy
  • Download the PowerPoint Template – it will be available here at a later date

What is the Production Timeline?

  • Call for Presenters
    • Opens Wednesday, February 26
    • Closes Tuesday, April 1
  • Registration opens: early-March
  • Agenda planning with the Advisory Committee: early-May
    • Presenters will be notified of acceptance: late-May
  • Agenda to be published: early-June
  • Co-Chair Orientation: Tuesday, July 8, 10:00 am MDT
  • Presenter Orientation: Wednesday, July 9, 10:00 am MDT
  • Co-Chair / Presenter coordination calls as needed, July-September
  • Program Print Deadline: Friday, September 5
  • Final slides due to Co-chairs: Monday, September 15

What is the Presenter Policy?

By agreeing to present, you agree to abide by the Presenter Policy. Session co-chairs are assigned to each session on the agenda to assist and support you in preparation for the Exchange, and to ensure the delivery of top-quality, industry information presented by professionals engaged in the industry. The co-chair roles will help you understand their requirements.

You and/or your co-presenters have been assigned a presentation time, which includes 1/3 of the time for audience discussion.  PowerPoint slides are optional, and the Presenter Policy discusses details required for presentation materials. Staff will schedule coordination and rehearsal meetings with your co-chair(s). Plan to provide a copy of your presentation to your session co-chair(s) for review and feedback 2 weeks prior to RMUE.  Final presentation materials are due to staff one week prior to presentation. Presentations must be approved by co-chairs no less than 24 hours prior to presentation. Modifications will NOT be accepted on-site or without co-chair approval.

Download the full Presenter Policy

Do I have to pay for registration?

All presenters must register and pay the registration fee to confirm their place. There are not discounts for presenters; sponsorship opportunities are available. Please note the cancellation policy when registrering. Any attendee may transfer their registration to another attendee with no penalty fees prior to the conference start.

FAQs for Conference Sponsors

Sponsor opportunities will be available at the Platinum, Gold, and Silver level.  Each sponsor level comes with an associated number of points which may be used to select benefits.

All Sponsors Receive

  • Registrant list with contact information (company, title and email only)
  • Participate in scoring agenda presentation submissions (Platinum and Gold level only).
  • Logo and brief description on event program; logo on registration site.
  • Opportunity to host exclusive, invitation-only hospitality at times that don’t conflict with meeting agenda.


Within the sponsorship benefit options, benefit points can be used for registrations. Sponsors may select additional benefits using their points.

Sponsor Showcase Lightning Round

If you select the Sponsor Showcase Lightning Round as a benefit within a sponsorship, there is a bit of preparation. The Lightning Round is a quick-paced panel presentation includes up to three (3) minute presentation during a general session.  Slides are made available after the fact in the online event archive. The audience will be asked to listen closely and identify key words in order to be entered into a random drawing for valuable prizes. You must submit slides in advance for compilation into a timed deck, no more than five slides per presenter. One slide about the company, one or two slides about a client case study, one slide about why they should come talk to you at the reception later, and a secret word. A Sponsor Showcase Orientation will be held, and showcase presenters are required to participate. Sponsor showcase presentations must comply with the Presenter and Co-Chair Policy, and should be prepared on the RMUE PowerPoint Template – wide screen preferred.

What is the cancellation policy?

Sponsorship benefits are conveyed immediately upon registration, so there is no cancellation or refund of sponsor fees. Sponsorships may be upgraded upon request at any time leading up to the conference. Sponsor attendance may be transferred to another attendee with no penalty fees prior to the conference start. Contact for questions.

How do I pay my fees?

Invoices for sponsorships will be sent out by Colorado Electric Educational Institute (CEEI) after registration has been completed.

How do I request a W-9 or other special forms for my accounting department?

Please send requests to

FAQs for Rocky Mountain Utility Exchange Conference Attendees

Who typically attends RMUE?

This conference attracts about 150-200 staff from utilities, government agencies, and energy services solution providers serving Colorado and neighboring states who are responsible for developing and implementing customer programs related to energy/water efficiency, renewable energy, flexible load management, and customer service.

How is the agenda planned and presenters chosen?

Advisory Committee members meet virtually throughout the year to plan the agenda and recruit presenters. If you have a story to share, preferably about a utility or government-sponsored program, research project or field application, consider submitting it for the Call for Presenters usually conducted in February-March time-frame. An invitation is sent each year to the RMUE email list.

What does my registration fee include?

Registration for everyone includes access to all workshops, sessions, meals, refreshment breaks, networking activities and proceedings. Details will be included in your confirmation email.

Lodging is not included with registration, but preferred rates with reduced fees have been arranged for RMUE registrants, based on availability.

Is there a discount for multiple attendees from the same organization?

Yes, sponsorships offer the opportunity for “bulk rate” discounts for bringing multiple attendees from the same organization bundled with added benefits such as special recognition. Conference sponsors are listed on the registration site and continually updated.

How do I pay invoices or get a copy of my receipt?

Receipts are sent for standard attendees during the registration process. Sponsorships will be invoiced directly. Invoices are sent by our accounting department to the address used at registration. If you do not receive one, reach out to

How do I request a W-9 or other special forms for my accounting department?

Please send requests to

What is the cancellation policy?

Please note that individual registrations are subject to the cancellation policy, which will be available upon opening of registration. Any attendee may transfer their registration to another attendee with no penalty fees prior to the conference start.

Sponsorship Registrations: Sponsor benefits are conveyed immediately upon registration, so there is no cancellation or refund of sponsor fees. Sponsorships may be upgraded upon request at any time leading up to the conference. Sponsor attendance may be transferred to another attendee with no penalty fees prior to the conference start. Contact for questions.