Electric Co-op Brings EV Infrastructure to Southern Colorado

In February, Durango-based electric cooperative La Plata Electric Association announced exciting electric vehicle news for two communities it serves.

The town of Bayfield and LPEA joined together to bring 24/7 access to a free Level II EV charging station located in Bayfield’s town hall parking lot. A grant from the Colorado Energy Office’s Charge Ahead Program and LPEA funding made the charging station possible.

Located one-half mile from Highway 160 — one of the EV charging corridors identified by the CEO — the station brings charging access to regional travelers as well as local residents. It has spots for two vehicles to charge at the same time and can deliver a full charge in about 4 hours. The station will have zero fees until Labor Day 2021.

And to the west in nearby Durango, the city’s first-ever EV DC fast-charging station was approved for construction and is expected to be energized by June 2021. The station will be located in the Durango Transit Center parking lot, next to the two existing Level II charging stations. The DC fast chargers will deliver a full charge in approximately 20 minutes, compared to the 4 hours that it takes a Level II charger.

LPEA is certain these two innovative EV charging infrastructure updates to its communities will encourage people to make the switch to EVs.