Sunshine in Southeast Colorado

After two years of analytical research, planning, development and construction, Colorado electric co-op Southeast Colorado Power Association energized the Vilas Solar site on March 1.

A partnership with RES, the solar project will provide solid energy output. The La Junta-based co-op will pay RES for the energy output from the solar site on a pre-determined pricing model. And since solar power is relatively easy and cheaper to produce, members will see cost benefits over the next 20 years.

The solar project sits on almost 40 acres near Springfield. This is the first local solar project for SECPA and the co-op is excited to add this solar source to its renewable power generation portfolio.

D.C. Conference Focuses on Broadband

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Legislative Conference took place in Washington, D.C., the first week in April and Colorado co-ops attended to meet with legislators. The annual conference gives rural electric cooperative leaders the opportunity to discuss co-op priorities and legislation that directly affects co-ops and rural America. This year, one of the topics was broadband for rural America.

Work on the House Farm Bill and expanding funding for rural broadband was discussed by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, who was the keynote speaker at the NRECA conference. “Rural broadband is not just a luxury — it’s essential,” Perdue told more than 2,000 electric cooperative leaders attending the conference in Washington on April 9. “I don’t believe that America would ever reach the productivity we have today across our nation without abundant flow of electricity everywhere,” said Perdue. “In the same way, we cannot make America great again without high speed e-connectivity available to every American.”

Broadband access will improve rural education, medical care, communication and business, including farming, he continued. Perdue described how smart technology can drive precision fertilization and seeding at large farms. “You can’t do that without broadband e-connectivity,” he said.

Perdue said that the USDA is working now to distribute $600 million in rural broadband grants and loans, which has the potential to directly impact rural parts of Colorado. Several Colorado co-ops are currently innovation leaders in expanding high-speed internet into underserved parts of rural Colorado.

Electric Co-op Makes Technological Strides

“Forward-thinking and proactive” are two ways that Dan Harms, manager of rates, technology and energy policy at La Plata Electric Association, describes the Durango-based electric cooperative.

Technological advances in battery storage, increased individual solar systems and electric vehicle home charging popularity put LPEA in the top percentage of rural electric cooperatives across the country. This use of the latest technology benefits its members by maintaining reliability and efficiency.

The co-op also uses advanced computerized technology to track the territory system and outages. Dispatch has a “live” wall that monitors all parts of the system 24/7 in real time and the line crews use smartphones and tablets in the field for maintenance, inspections and repairs.

This innovative use of technology allows LPEA to serve the membership better while keeping rates low.

Co-op Grant Gets to the Core of History and Promotes Sustainability

Nucla-based San Miguel Power Association, CoBank and power supplier Basin Electric awarded the Apple Core Project with a “Sharing Success” grant. The grant from these three cooperative sources will assist in the installation of a demonstration orchard at the Pinion Farm Homestead in Nucla.

The Sharing Success grant seeks funding opportunities that will stimulate and enhance the local economies by job creation in the area, creating and improving local commerce, offering sustainability progress and building collaboration.

The funds from this particular Sharing Success grant will aid in planting hand-grafted apple trees in the demonstration orchard. According to the Apple Core Project’s website, “Each tree planted [in the demonstration orchard] will become part of a new generation genetic bank from which [the Apple Core Project] will collect the scion for grafting additional trees to plant.”

The Apple Core Project aims to identify and map fruit tree varieties on the Western Slope; to discover the stories of the people who planted and cared for these trees; to propagate local and rare fruit genetics by grafting and planting new trees in the area; and to revive the fruit growing economy on the Western Slope.

The Sharing Success grant is just one way that SMPA uses resources in an innovative way to help members support the local community. Visit for more information about the demonstration orchard and for interesting historical facts about the fruit industry on the Western Slope. Visit to learn more about how the electric co-op supports their community.

Ski and Sun in the San Luis Valley

San Luis Valley Rural Electric Association, a Monte Vista-based electric cooperative, is proud to power the thriving Wolf Creek Ski Area with solar power. Ski lifts and buildings at Wolf Creek came on line with the Penitente Solar Project in November 2017. The ski area is the largest consumer of power in the San Luis Valley territory in the fall and winter months, both day and night.

Penitente Solar is a 2.75 AC megawatt solar project that sits on a sunny, unobstructed location less than a half mile from SLVREC’s La Garita Substation. SLVREC negotiated a long-term power purchase agreement with Renewable Energy Systems. RES operates and maintains the distribution of the photovoltaic system, from which SLVREC purchases the output to serve members’ electricity needs. This project provides power to the Wolf Creek Ski Area and to co-op members in Saguache, Rio Grande, Costilla, Alamosa, Conejos, Mineral and Hinsdale counties. Residential members get access to renewable energy that is locally generated and cost-effective.

The annual output of the solar plant is about 7,000 kilowatt-hours. Wolf Creek uses approximately 1,000 kilowatt-hours each year. The expected operational lifetime of the project is more than 25 years, benefitting skiers and members alike well into the future.

Mountain Co-op Opts to Build Fiber Backbone

Nationwide, electric cooperatives install automated metering systems, energy efficiency and demand response programs, and grid monitoring systems that all require real-time communication in order to provide members the safe reliable electricity they are accustomed to receiving 24 hours a day. As technology advances in the electric industry, cooperatives are requiring more sophisticated telecommunications technology.

A such, electric cooperatives — as well as their members — need access to fast and reliable high-speed internet service for system management, work, video conferencing, entertainment and to stay relevant and connected to the world. Studies still show that rural Americans are less connected than their urban counterparts due to limited or no access to high-speed internet.

In a recent survey to members of Granby-based Mountain Parks Electric, Inc., the electric co-op reports that members agree that low-cost, high-speed internet is “very important to the future of the local economy.” In response to survey results, the MPE Board of Directors has weighed two business cases for becoming a retail internet service provider, which prompted two feasibility studies.

Both studies proved that there would need significant capital investment. One study estimated a cost of $95 million for MPE to form, construct and operate a “last-mile” (retail) internet service. The area’s rugged terrain, and its sparse population are the biggest factors in this cost estimate.

When the electric co-op formed in 1946, nearly 100 percent of households in the territory signed up for electric service. In contrast, the internet feasibility study revealed that only about 45 percent of current electric co-op members would sign up for retail internet service through MPE.

With those lower numbers is the potential for members to see an increase in electricity rates if MPE were to move forward with the retail internet project. The MPE board is not eager to impose such rate increases on co-op members.

However, the board of directors is still convinced that high speed internet is a need in the community it serves. As such, at the February meeting the board adopted a motion to improve internet access in a more cost-effective manner. Instead of building an expensive retail service, the board moved to construct a “middle-mile system.”

A middle mile system is the backbone of a high-speed internet network. Once constructed it will allow for immediate electric utility operational improvements. An MMS backbone investment will not significantly impact MPE’s electric rates to members. MPE also reports that the backbone will position the co-op to implement technologies that may help manage future wholesale power costs, benefiting all members.

Look for future Innovations in Energy Newsletters from CREA for updates on this forward-thinking project from a Colorado cooperative.

3,000 Pounds of Recycled Lights Benefits Local Nonprofit

Sedalia-based CORE Electric Cooperative (formally Intermountain Rural Electric Association) held its first-ever holiday light recycling program. It was hugely successful and co-op members brought in much more than expected — over 3,000 pounds of recyclable holiday lights. CORE took the lights to Western Metals Recycling center where it was paid 20 cents per pound to recycle the lights.

This was a chance for members to recycle their old holiday lights at no cost, and the program provided a donation to Energy Outreach Colorado. CORE matched the amount received from the recycling center, making the donation total over $1,200. Energy Outreach Colorado helps low-income Coloradans with heating bill assistance, emergency home furnace repair and grants to improve the energy efficiency of affordable housing facilities.

This recycling program is an innovative way to encourage members to dispose of holiday lights in a responsible manner, and also provide funds to help Coloradans.

Co-op Rebates, Updates Help Local Businesses Shine

Since January 2018, Colorado electric co-op, Empire Electric Association, has presented over $15,700 in rebates to 10 local businesses that built, updated or retrofitted their spaces with LED lighting.

A new cider brewing company in Mancos outfitted its tasting room lighting with LED pucks for a pleasant and inviting look and feel. It also installed bright LEDs in the brew room’s high ceilings for an efficient and well-lit workspace.

LED horticulture lights are now installed at The Herbal Alternative, which save on energy and are passively cooled. Less heat is generated by LEDs compared to the old lighting, helping to maintain the correct temperature for the plants.

In another retrofit, 6500 Kelvin lighting brought new sparkle to an antique store in Cortez, updating the space with bright white lights.

Steve Keetch Motors retrofitted existing showroom fixtures with LEDs, as well as placing them in the service garage, offices, waiting room and restrooms. These efficient bulbs make lighting spaces more efficient and cost-effective.

Denise Moore, EEA’s communications specialist takes photos of the rebate check presentations to share on social media and says that the co-op “Has enjoyed featuring business in our area that take advantage of our rebate program.” This thriving program is just one way that the Cortez-based co-op helps commercial members save money and develop more efficient spaces.

Mountain Co-op’s Green Power Rebates

Granby-based Mountain Parks Electric members who installed renewable energy systems received nearly $21,000 in total rebates in 2017. This is the program’s biggest rebate year yet, increasing from $14,490 in 2016.

The electric co-op started the Green Power program in 1999, then purchasing renewable energy credits on behalf of customers who wanted to support the development of renewable energy sources. In 2011, the course of the program changed to a thriving rebate program that rewards members who install local renewable energy projects at their home or business, with the goal to facilitate more green power projects. This increases the amount of renewable energy that the co-op can offer to members.

The project is funded by members’ voluntary additions and contributions to their monthly electric bill, ranging anywhere from 50 cents to $100 a month. Rebate levels are generous, with the residential rebate at $1,000 + $0.10 per DC watt ($2,000 maximum) and the commercial rebates at $1,000 + $0.10 per DC watt ($8,000 maximum).

Colorado Co-op Brings LEDs to Businesses

Sam Christensen, owner of a home furnishings store in downtown Durango, retrofitted his poorly lit showroom with LED bulbs. Durango-based La Plata Electric Association’s project specialist Ray Pierotti advised Christensen on which bulbs to buy to transform his store into a bright and colorful retail space. Pierotti also helped the retailer process rebates on the commercial-grade LED bulbs.

Christensen spent $1,163 on the bulbs and received a rebate of $592.57 directly from the co-op. He will save about $1,400 annually on his La Plata Electric Association electric bill, resulting in a return on the LED investment in less than six months.

Pierotti reports that more than half of Durango’s downtown businesses are 100 percent LED lit. He encourages retailers and business owners to contact him directly before they upgrade lighting or do a store redesign.

This is just another example of how Colorado co-ops help residential and commercial members make the most out of their electricity use using all resources available.